High Holy Days
High Holy Days are a time for reflection, introspection, prayer, and re-connection. We welcome you to join us in celebrating and observing these special Holy days. We offer a variety of services to meet the spiritual needs of our diverse community. Please see the Schedule of Services for a list of dates, times, and locations of services. Come share the spirit and wisdom of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. These Holy Days are a time of prayer, music, reflection and learning. Come and join our congregational family for a spiritually deep High Holy Day experience. Members of the congregation will automatically receive their High Holy Day tickets for each adult member of your household and dependent children over the age of 18 (Children 17 years old and under do not require a ticket). Members are also welcomed to purchase additional tickets for other relatives and guests at a discount rate. We encourage you to invite your friends and relatives to experience the High Holy Days at Temple Beth Hillel. Tickets are free for full-time students, active members of the military, and members of other synagogues who submit a letter from their congregation requesting reciprocity. Otherwise, guest tickets for our services are provided for a suggested donation of $180, or $360 for a Mensch level donation. The entire amount donated for guest tickets may be applied toward membership dues if a guest decides to become a member of TBH this year. To receive guest tickets, please contact Lori, at admin@tbhsw.org or (860)282-8466. While tickets have been provided for High Holy Day Services, they are used primarily for us to determine how many people are likely to attend. We also use them to help us stay in touch with our members and guests. We will not turn anyone away because they don’t have a ticket. We look forward to sharing a wonderful High Holy Days together! |